Point to Point Services

[vc_row gap=”35″ css=”.vc_custom_1549153682598{margin-top: 50px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]You’re doing business in a fast-paced networked world, where mergers and acquisitions, changes to technologies, and shifts in the marketplace happen almost every day. You could be part of a start-up business today and a large corporation tomorrow. That’s how quickly your company can change in today’s wired business world.


You need to expand your offices and there’s no office space in your building to expand. We give you support of a high-performance, high-speed network from that’s as dynamic as you are. You can establish your facilities anywhere in the city and we connect your all networks and telecommunication facilities seamlessly, on our optical fiber network.


LDS is MISPL’s metropolitan area network via Ethernet, providing two-way transmission of data signals at discrete rates of 1 to 1,000 Megabits per second (Mbps). With LDS, you can achieve point-to-point or any-to-any connectivity – or a mixture of both with an Ethernet connection. LDS allows you to transmit between users at different Ethernet-based service locations. You can experience affordable bandwidth, high-speed Internet connectivity and more.


This seamless integration of your Local Area Network (LAN) across multiple locations eliminates the need to invest in additional equipment and training. And LDS supports all the key applications customarily run on your LAN. The service is available point-to-point, or point-to-multipoint as a fiber-ring based service where operating facilities and conditions permit.


Ethernet services offer an increasingly popular solution, eliminating the need for ongoing configuration, management and additional equipment. This service allows you to enjoy the benefits of broadband LAN inter-connectivity without the added expense of telecom provisioning.


Ethernet delivers superior dedicated high-capacity bandwidth and service for your private network at a reduced cost. You also have the option of implementing additional features, including a simple, point-to-point, non-switched configuration.


Ethernet services make private network inter-connectivity simple. Enjoy backbone-class bandwidths across your multi-facility network – without the cost and responsibility of purchasing, configuring and managing additional equipment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”246″ img_size=”large”][vc_custom_heading text=”Standard Features” font_container=”tag:h3|font_size:34px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Oxygen%3A300%2Cregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” css=”.vc_custom_1549218540617{margin-bottom: 40px !important;}”][rt_list_style list_style=”three”]

  • Optimum backbone-class performance
  • No more WAN transport performance constraints
  • Scalable bandwidth to support your growing business
  • Complete management of the local-loop circuit to your business
  • Managed circuit services available
  • 24 x 7 customer notification of downtime in the event of a network outage
  • 24 x 7 monitoring of your circuit from our network operations center
  • Ongoing traffic analysis
  • Proactive Internet access and security solution recommendations, appropriate for your business
  • Value-added options including: end router, firewall, VPN and IP Sec
  • Multiple IP addresses
  • Primary and Secondary Domain Name Service (DNS)
  • Live 24 x 7 technical support
